Delivery team’s BEP Template. The Delivery team’s BEP is delivered collaboratively by the appointed parties responsible for the project delivery. It responds the the appinting parties requirements and sets out how the project will be delivered from an information management perspective. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings and tables which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance and the questions prompted, the template can be populated to develop an post-appointment BEP. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in a BEP, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

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Content Index for Universal BIM Guide. As part of a BIM adoption programme it is often useful to provide guidance to the organisation, industry and supply chain on how to adopt and deliver BIM using you technical framework. The introduction of a BIM Guide can provide further detail on any national level implementation of BIM but offer more specific detail around the organisations sector and project type. This document outlines the potential contents for a successful BIM guide, discussing the elements which should be considered in its development.

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Capability and Capacity Assessment Template. The CCA is a series of questions which can be put to the potential delivery team to answer during procurement to establish their delivery process, experience and inexperience in various apsects of the project delivery. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document containing all of the questions and headings with blank answer fields. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main questions which should be asked of the supply chain during procurement, questions can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)

Capability and Capacity Assessment Guidance. This assessment form is designed to be used on a BIM project to assist in the procurement and appoinment of various parties. Having a deeper understanding of each appointed parties capabilities with regards to BIM and information management can help to ensure the correct companies are selected and that they have the capacity needed to successfully deliver the project. The CCA is a series of questions which can be put to the potential delivery team to answer during procurement to establish their delivery process, experience and inexperience in various apsects of the project delivery.

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The BIM toolkit has been created with the intention of supporting different countries with the creation of their technical BIM framework. The toolkit is aligned with the ISO 19650 standards series, to assist with BIM adoption and open global opportunities. The overview document explains the various companents of the toolkit, how to use each of the documents, and provides advice on how to best start your journey depending on BIM maturity.

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Pre-appointment and Delivery team’s BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Guidance. The BEP is a key component of successful BIM delivery, it is the mechanism for all appointed parties to respond to the clients overall delivery requirements. The BEP is a live project level document which will be consistently updated throughout the project as required. A BEP should first be developed pre-appointment to aid the procurement process and then this should be updated and maintained by the delivery team as a whole post-appointment. This guidance document is applicable to both BEPs and walks through the purpose of the BEP. The guidance document explains the sections which should be included in the BEP to define how the design team will meet the appointing parties requirements.

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Asset Information Requiements Template. The AIR is a document which forms part of the ISO 19650 process, put simply it should articulate the asset data the organisation or owner would like to be delivered on project completion. Following the guidance document provided, this template gives you a structured document with headings and tables which can be completed with your specific requirements. Used in conjunction with the guidance and the questions prompted, the template can be populated to develop an initial AIR. This template is provided as a starting point, articlating the main points expected in an AIR, sections can be added, removed and modified to suit your specific requirements.

An archive version of this information article has been created if the original is no longer accessible (Archive information from January 2024)

Asset Information Requiements Guidance. The AIR is a document which forms part of the ISO 19650 process, put simply it should articulate the asset data the organisation or owner would like to be delivered on project completion. In many cases it is likely that asset/facilities management processes are already in place within your organisation, however they may not have been structured in a manner which enables them to be specified as a project deliverable. The AIR specifies the information required to successfully operate and maintain an asset, typically focusing on specific components of an asset. This guidance document helps to ask specific questions of your existing asset management processes in order to develop a suitable AIR for your project.

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The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a public standards organization whose mission is to foster the economy of the European Single Market and the wider European continent in global trading, the welfare of European citizens and the environment by providing an efficient infrastructure to interested parties for the development, maintenance and distribution of coherent sets of standards and specifications. CEN is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.

CEN TC 442 is the technical committee working under CEN with the purpose of supporting the creation and management of BIM related standards. The scope of CEN TC 442 is BIM standardization in the field of structured semantic life-cycle information for the built environment. The committee aim to develop a structured set of standards, specifications and reports which specify methodologies to define, describe, exchange, monitor, record and securely handle asset data, semantics and processes with links to geospatial and other external data. Through this website you can see all of the work completed and published to date as well as the current workplan for upcoming developments.

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A global team of over 200 experts are continually improving these templates for free access to all BIM communities around the word.

In alignment with ISO 19650, the templates team didn’t want the world to keep reinventing the wheel when it comes to BEPs and other ISO 19650 resources. Having a central resource for experts to curate and all teams around the world to access for free helps advance the use of BIM more rapidly – but importantly – in a standardised way.

This site is registered on as a development site.