India aims to spend $1.4 Trillion building Infrastructure. Prime Minister launched Gati Shakti – National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectivity, essentially a digital platform to bring 16 Ministries including Railways and Roadways together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects with the goal of developing infrastructure to lower logistic costs and improve the economy. Digitalization and BIM will play a very important role in helping India achieve its Infrastructure Goals. CDCPIndia has been conceived by veterans from the industry who has been directly or indirectly practicing and promoting Digital ways of working in the Construction & Infrastructure Industry. Vision of CDCPIndia is to “Inspire and Collaborate with Construction Professionals across India to advance Digitally enabled Processes and Technologies in construction & Infrastructure sector”. CDCPIndia shall work in collaboration with several existing Institutions, Professional Bodies, Academia, Corporates and Government to Improve the Project Delivery & Asset Management Efficiency by use of Digital Technologies and Processes. CDCPIndia is a not-for-profit organization and has been registered as a Society under Society Registration Act*

This document compiles the experience of promoting BIM, and the design and implementation of national plans, related to the methodology by the member countries of the BIM Network of Latin American Governments. The strategies and actions that public institutions in the region applied according to the BIM Initiatives of each country are identified. The intention is that this document is a point of reference for the implementation and promotion of BIM by the State, from a Latin American perspective built on the basis of the local realities of each of the countries that make up the Network. With this document , we hope to encourage the creation of support networks for the transfer of knowledge, experiences and lessons learned.*

This report presents the results of a first regional survey of companies in the construction sector in Latin America and the Caribbean to better understand the slow adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM), a new collaborative work methodology based on data models that contributes enormously to improving the productivity of the sector.*

This CONPES document formulates a national policy for digital transformation and artificial intelligence. This policy aims to promote the generation of social and economic value in the country through the strategic use of digital technologies in the public sector and the private sector, to boost productivity and promote the well-being of citizens, as well as generating transversal enablers for digital transformation, so that Colombia can take advantage of the opportunities and face the challenges related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Digital transformation of construction is specifically mentioned within section 5.3.2. Create enabling conditions for digital innovation in the public and private sectors, with the purpose of being a mechanism for the development of digital transformation. On page 47 of the policy.*

Periodic analysis and reporting of BIM requirements in Public Tenders

In order to define the future strategic direction of standardization in the field of BIM, DIN has published the BIM standardization roadmap together with partners from business, science, the public sector and society. The task of the roadmap is to show prerequisites for the development of a broad application of BIM for practice.

Esta evaluación de capacidades expone las medidas que adoptarán el gobierno y la industria para crear oportunidades para el sector británico de la construcción, convirtiéndose en líder mundial del Modelado de Información para la Construcción (BIM). Nos basaremos en los considerables avances ya logrados en la integración de BIM en el sector nacional.

Archivo tomado en 2017 del sitio web del Grupo de Trabajo BIM del Reino Unido.

Páginas web de información relacionada con la introducción gradual de BIM en la contratación pública con arreglo al Marco de Gestión de Obras de Capital (CWMF, por su sigla en inglés) de Irlanda y definido en el paquete de reformas contractuales de 2023 en apoyo del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (NDP, por su sigla en inglés).

A partir de enero de 2024, la OGP, junto con el Comité de Contratos Gubernamentales para la Construcción, supervisará la adopción de BIM por parte de los organismos públicos que deben utilizar el CWMF. El cronograma está sujeto a revisión y cualquier cambio se basará en los resultados de este proceso de monitoreo.

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