Action Plan for Major Projects

Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)

The German construction industry successfully implements many large construction projects worldwide every year. In recent years, however, there have been more and more national public debates about major projects that are not delivered on time or to budget. Therefore, in April 2013, the former Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development launched a reform commission to transform the construction of major projects. The commission presented recommendations for action in 2015, which included cost transparency, cost accuracy, efficiency and adherence to schedules for large projects in the hope that infrastructure construction can be improved. The Federal Government welcomed the fact that everyone involved in major projects was able to support the Reform Commission and was able to agree on further recommendations.

With these recommendations for action, the Reform Commission aims to provide inspiration for BIM adoption that can also be transferred to smaller projects in all federal states.

The Federal Government expects the private partners involved in major projects to fulfil their responsibilities in their area of expertise, in particular through practical partnership-based cooperation in all project phases. This will contribute to the successful implementation of the action plan and will establish a good reputation for the German construction and planning industry across the world.

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