Construction Digitalisation Council Website

Construction Digitalisation Council (Bouw Digitaliserings Raad or BDR)

The Construction Digitalisation Council (Bouw Digitaliserings Raad or BDR) promotes widespread application of BIM in the Dutch construction and infrastructure industry. BIM improves cooperation between the links in the construction chain through a system of integrated building information management, whereby all relevant information is available during the complete life cycle of the building, from design to maintenance. BDR is a unique partnership between various stakeholders in the construction industry. The members represent both their construction industry segment and their own company. They make practical agreements that are in the interests of the entire industry and ensure these are implemented within their own segment. The partnership focuses on implementing BIM to strengthen the quality, continuity and competitive position of the Dutch construction and infrastructure industry. The construction industry could be given a real boost if the implementation of BIM can be accelerated in close cooperation with all industry stakeholders. BIM facilitates quality and efficiency improvements and faster construction at lower costs. BDR is organized in three administrative units: the Council, the Programme Office and the Programme Team.

BDR aims to be the driving force behind the implementation and development of BIM by coordinating, directing, streamlining and linking the various BIM initiatives. BDR further wishes to promote knowledge sharing and the integration of BIM in construction education. BDR’s goals and activities are described in a programme plan hosted on the website which is updated annually. The programme plan published in 2014 and entitled ‘BIM: the driving force behind a stronger construction industry’ describes BDR’s vision of BIM, its goals and the strategy it has set out to achieve these. In 2015, this programme plan was updated with the addendum ‘Communicating and assimilating BIM’, followed in 2016 by ‘Sharing BIM knowledge and BIM Loket’. ‘Assimilating BIM in government policy’ was published in 2017. The website contains areas around BIM education and explaining ‘what is BIM’. There is also a publication section with several resources which can be used.


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