SHCP BIM Website

Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP)

The Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público – SHCP) presents the Strategy for the implementation of BIM in Mexico, which seeks to promote measures aimed at improving public infrastructure development processes.

The main goal of the strategy (Estrategia para la implementación del Modelado de Información de la Construcción (MIC) en México) is to improve the development processes of public infrastructure, strengthen accountability and transparency, and improve the quality of the projects. The overall aim is to provide a resilient infrastructure and stimulate the global competitiveness of the Mexican construction industry.  This strategy defines the specific objectives and actions planned to fulfil the digital transformation of the industry.

The strategy will be carried out progressively and divided into phases, this will allow sufficient time for the development of skills, capacities and processes so that the full potential of the methodology can be achieved.

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