Back to basics: The Four Pillars – Capability and Capacity Development

April 21, 2023

This is the latest in a new series of blogs looking at the fundamentals of building information modelling and the role of the Global BIM Network. 

In this final blog on the four pillars of a public led BIM programme, we consider capability and capacity development. Together, these four pillars describe the common strategic areas for success. 

• public leadership;  

• communication and communities;  

• collaborative framework; and  

• capability and capacity development. 

Stakeholders can employ three specific actions to develop capability and capacity. 

ONE Run pilot projects and promote training to encourage early successes. Pilot projects are an important mechanism for testing and demonstrating how BIM processes and practices can be employed. They help stakeholders see the practical benefits of BIM in real-world scenarios. Such initiatives come hand in hand with training to encourage early successes. In Latvia, the Construction Digitalisation Centre at Riga Technical University partners with other groups to provide live online and in-person BIM training. Modules include a wide range of topics: from general BIM awareness through to practical classes on specialised BIM software and modelling. 

TWO Increase the use of public procurement as a driver for industry capacity development. Public procurement policies specifying the use of BIM can act as powerful levers. National policy, strategy and standards can encourage industry to invest in digital technologies and practices. BIM Loket details the rollout of BIM legislation and regulations in the Netherlands and looks at the potential roadblocks and benefits from taking such an approach.  

THREE Measure progress and produce case studies to increase industry awareness and support. Many organizations share their BIM tools, learnings and successes online. Planbim provides the Mibim open, self-assessment web platform. Organizations can use it to measure their BIM maturity level. At the end of the evaluation, the platform provides a report with key findings and recommendations. The BIMinNZ group in New Zealand has produced a series of case studies demonstrating the costs, benefits and risk management aspects of using BIM. The group’s examples span BIM applications in wastewater treatment plant, social housing, healthcare, tertiary education and more. 

The Global BIM Network’s Information Collection contains many examples of how capability and capacity development is enabling BIM processes and practices.  

To join the Global BIM Network, email us or visit our website.   

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