Behaviour change as key driver to digital transformation in Australia

December 16, 2022

A strong focus on behavioural change will help drive digital transformation. This was a key message from Luke Belfield at the Global BIM Network’s second annual General Assembly held online on December 1, 2022.

Luke is Victorian Chief Engineer at the Office of Projects Victoria (OPV), Australia. At the General Assembly he updated attendees on the OPV’s progress in supporting the successful delivery of major infrastructure projects across the state of Victoria. He also outlined the collaborative development of guidance within the Victorian Digital Asset Strategy and discussed the development of public sector capacity in BIM and its application in pilot projects.

Luke told attendees that people transformation is just as important as technology, standards, and protocols. The use of simple, accessible language will help drive behavioural change and the adoption of digital transformation.

“At the Office of Projects Victoria, we have tried to simplify our language as much as possible. We provide case studies and demonstrators and show that BIM is not just for engineers or people with a lot of experience.”

He said BIM and digital transformation should be as simple as picking up and operating a smart phone. “It shouldn’t need huge uplifting capability.” However, he acknowledged that with many changes to processes and technologies this can be challenging.

The OPV sits within Victoria’s Department of Treasury and Finance and has a central role in providing systemic improvements across transport, justice, education, health, and other infrastructure portfolios.

As well as its whole-of-government perspective, the OPV delivers technical project support to some of Australia’s biggest infrastructure projects being led out of Victoria.

Luke told attendees the OPV’s Victorian Digital Asset Strategy, released in March 2020, is the most comprehensive guide in Australia. It was a collaborative effort bringing together industry, academia, agencies, and consultants. The Strategy helps improve the design and delivery of major projects, and the maintenance of infrastructure assets. It brings clear cost, safety, and risk-reduction benefits.

Luke also outlined the OPV’s work with a series of pilot projects to test best practice and ensure maximum value to Victorian projects. “By undertaking pilots across government projects, we can test new digital processes, capture the benefits, and deliver these benefits across government more broadly.”

Attendees from 36 countries took part in the Global BIM Network’s second General Assembly. The event was delivered in Spanish and English and held twice to accommodate attendees working in different time zones. You can watch the recordings of the event here.

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