Getting the most from the Public Sector Construction Digital Transformation Playbook

April 11, 2024

Imagine a policy maker who attends a conference and hears about BIM for the first time. They turn to the Global BIM Network’s website and find a wealth of information. So, where do they start?

The Network’s newly launched Public Sector Construction Digital Transformation Playbook provides a gateway to all the information relevant to each set of circumstances.

The Playbook helps each person identify the state of progress of the digital transformation project or programme that they’re involved in and their role based on the three personas profiles.

Users can then access directly practical examples in the Network’s Information Collection that relate to their work and even create their own bespoke version of the Playbook for future reference via the free MyPlaybook function.

It all starts with reading through the introductory overviews in the Playbook and understanding which more detailed sections resonate.

The Playbook organises digital transformation into five states. These help to pinpoint what to focus on at each stage. The five states are:

•            Justifying the change and gaining stakeholder support;

•            Mobilising the transformation programme to accelerate change;

•            Developing the legal, commercial and technical framework;

•            Implementing the change in practice onto projects; and

•            Scaling the change and communicating progress.

The Playbook also identifies three groups of stakeholders, or personas, with their own needs, motivations and challenges in digital construction implementation. These personas are:

  • Policy and strategy;
  • Transformation programme; and
  • Owner/procurer/operator.

As a policy and strategy persona, the policy maker may, for example, be involved in the justifying stage of a transformation journey. This may involve raising awareness of the need for change and its benefits, influencing stakeholders to achieve buy-in, and building a coalition to support the change. Stakeholders build a business case to understand programme costs, anticipated returns on investment, resource requirements and the removal of programme obstacles.

The policy maker can click directly from the Playbook to all resources in the Information Collection related to justifying. They can then use the filters to fine-tune their search, identifying ideas of what to do next and practical examples of what other countries have done in similar circumstances.

The policy maker now has the knowledge, ideas and inspiration, based on experience from around the globe, to start building the justification for their own transformation program.

Read the Public Sector Construction Digital Transformation Playbook

Watch a video providing instructions on navigating the Playbook and using the MyPlaybook function is provided in the ‘Using the Playbook’ section.

Register for MyPlaybook

Send us your feedback on the Playbook

Submit a resource to be added to the Information Collection

Look out for our upcoming series of articles on each of the five transformational states 

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